The prodigal Son – Greenham Common


Greenham Common, West Berkshire, UK. site of a former USA airforce base (Philip Hill/Phil Hill)

Greenham Common

A whole year I spent travelling back and forth from Somerset, to Berkshire, to this place. I find it absolutely fascinating; an area that once housed the potential of complete and utter destruction ‘(wmd’s anyone?)’ is now nothing more than a series of leisure activities, for the locals, and their dogs. I have been meaning to go back to see, just what, if anything, has changed… this was not a lot to be honest, same old desolate space. In between the showers, I had a short stroll across the common, due to the setting sun, the light although brief, has always been excellent there; producing really nice long shadows with the strong sidelight. Baron though the landscape is here, there is always the odd placement of a seemingly random piece of concrete, (see above), to the uninitiated it must be a strange site with no obvious reason, making it a great subject to photograph; the original reason why I went to Greenham Common in the first place. First class procrastinating when I should be editing my New York images, although I would rather be shooting than editing any day of the week… Unless you read my Twitter of course, in which case I am still at the cinema!


Greenham Part one

Greenham Part two

  1. April 22, 2013

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