Instagram: One year in Australia

Stars Instagram by Phil Hill Travel Photographer

One year in Australia: Instagram

A whole year in Australia is also roughly one year since I bit the bullet, jumping on the Instagram bandwagon. Love them or hate them, those little filters are strangely addictive. Maybe people miss film after all, like the age-old music debate: Sure, Mp3’s and CD’s are cleaner, Vinyl is just that bit warmer.

As an avid addict of iPhoneography too: “The best camera is the one that’s with you” – Chase Jarvis, one of the truest statements I have read.

One year in AustraliaView more Instagram images  | Instacanvas gallery 


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Tourists trekking on cable beach in Broome Australia (Philip Hill/Phil Hill)


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Sign for free rocks in Perth Australia (Philip Hill/Phil Hill)


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Open mouthed crocodile at Malcom Douglas wildlife park in Broome, Western Australia (Philip Hill/Phil Hill)


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 (Philip Hill/Phil Hill)


